Travelogue Draft Part 2
Continued my travelogue. Only 300 words left to do. And I still haven't got a name yet..
Where is the city
Before you reach the hidden city of ______ you will need to
pass through the long grass meadows, where the grass sways in the breeze and
soft against your skin. You will then come across the murky forest with trees
as high as the clouds and where dark mythical creatures come out at night.
When you finally reach the city you are greeted by large silver gates decorated stones and crystals that resemble knots and patterns. The gates stand as tall as the trees and stand guard of the city, but is it trying to keep the people in, or the creatures of the night out.
When you finally reach the city you are greeted by large silver gates decorated stones and crystals that resemble knots and patterns. The gates stand as tall as the trees and stand guard of the city, but is it trying to keep the people in, or the creatures of the night out.
There is only one way in to the city and that is through the
front gates. Even getting into the city is hard as they will only let in the
market traders and a few visitors. The city will barley advertise if there is a
place going, it’s like they only want the people that live there to stay.
What’s in the city
When entering _______ you are greeted with tall buildings
that look very similar to the gates. The buildings look more of a shiny
material, similar to silver and gold, rather than bricks or wood. Each of the
buildings also have their own distinctive look to them, some are encrusted with
stones while overs have enamelled forms on them. So building looks the same.
As you walk through ______ cobbled streets they are full of
life and laughter, with markets selling wonderful goods such as exotic food and
fine fabrics. You can see the street performers showing their magic and tricks
to the children and people going about their daily lives. As you pass through
the ongoing markets you will reach a clock tower. This is no ordinary clock
tower though, it stands above the other buildings and seems to be as tall as
the gates. This is the centre of the city. The clock tower is more reflective
than the rest of the city, like it’s been polished very day ever since the city
was built. When looking up at the clock tower you can see embossed symmetrical
patterns going up ether side until the top. Around the clock face the pattern
seems more elaborate than the rest the pattern. The face it’s self stands out
amount the surface of the tower, the face is also enameled and looks across
the whole city. As if it was the eye watching over the city.
Who lives there
The people that live in ____ look like they have everything
they need to live a comfortable life, even the poor don’t seem poor in this
city. Woman dress in fine clothing and big feather hats, gentlemen dressed in
three piece suits which matched the enameled colors of the city. And everyone
looks the same, the only people who look different are city traders as they
come and go from the city. It’s like they are clones of each other. Doing the
same things every day.
I don’t think any of the people that live in ____ have ever left the city to see the outside world. Are they afraid to leave the city or are they not allowed to leave?
I don’t think any of the people that live in ____ have ever left the city to see the outside world. Are they afraid to leave the city or are they not allowed to leave?
How do people get around?
The people of _____ will mainly walk around the city, due to
the cobbled roads being too bumpy in the cars. But a few will go around in cars
which look like they have been built by hand or at least a kit car. It’s mainly
the men of the city who drives them, as the woman of the city find it un-lady
like to do a man’s job. The men will go around with googles and hat on as if
they are driving through every weather possible. The traders of the city are the only others with
a mode of transport, which is a horse and cart to carry their goods and supplies
to and from cities.
When the sun goes down
When the sun sets in the evening it will bounce of every
building and turn the gold and silver buildings into a corral sea. The clock
tower looked the grandest of them all again. It not only reflected the colors
of the sunset but also the sun itself. Giving the streets extra light for the
people to enjoy the evening.
(707 words)
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