Business Cards: Part 2

Feedback would be appreciated! So got the image of my character and was just wondering what would look best. I think I prefer the image on a white background, and being horizontal


  1. Hey Hannah, on linkedIn you can change the URL of your profile so that it doesnt have those numbers at the end of it, I think it would look more professional that way :)

    -Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
    -Click View profile.
    -On your profile page, click Edit public profile & URL on the right rail.
    -Under Edit URL in the right rail, click the Edit icon next to your public profile URL.

    1. Ah Thanks Graeme, I will definitely take note of that. I do know that my linkedin has already been sent off to the printers for the plinth, so I might just sort that out after new designers.



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