
Showing posts from November, 2015

More thumbnails

Some doors and lamp posts


Clock Tower Building 1 Building 3 Building 2 So here are my building orthographic's, I haven't put the doors on these images or the clock hands as i plan to do these separately

Thumbnail 96 Compostion

So this is my improved competition after getting some feed back. I included four different building designs, and made the doors look more like they were designded my Knox. One thing I need to look at is the clock tower and if I will have numbers/ roman numerals on the clock face or keep it how it is.

Thumbnails composition 93-95

So here are my composition thumbnails so I can start creating my concept art my city. I prefer the bottom two images as they just feel more city like, and they are more developed than the first image. I also added doors and windows to make it more realistic. I wanted to kept the colors and shapes basic for now as i will go into those details as i go on through the project. Thumbnails 93, 94 and 95

Thumbnails 84-92

I've created a few more thumbnails and also looked at 79 again, and made some slight changes to the size of the building, so whether  it looked better thinner or wider etc.. I also tried using color in this one. I've picked colors that Knox used for his enameling to give it more  of a realistic feel.

Thumbnails 76-83 @Phil

my file didn't save on Monday properly, so I had to redo my thumbnails from Jordan's class, but these these look much better anyway  So created some more thumbnails using Knox's work, as my other ones looked to space age rather than Celtic. I also distorted them to see how they would look when wrapped, and create quite a scary look.

What if Metropolis thumbnails 35-75


What if Metropolis thumbnails 27-34

Here are some clock tower thumbnails I have been working on, as the clock tower is the center of my city. So there fore it will need to stand out among the rest of my buildings. The top four are more generic buildings and the bottom four I have added the ring detail from Celtic symbols. Number 32, I managed to work in an bird shape and looks quite good.

What if Metropolis Thumbnails 21-26

I've started to look at more Celtic designs, as Knox's was heavily influenced by this style. I have created silhouettes of some Celtic designs that i was interested in, here are my results.  

What if Metropolis Thumbnails 1-20

So these are some of my first ideas from  Knox's work. I have just worked on the shapes that he created and made them to resemble buildings rather than objects/ jewellery. I quite like 11, 14, 16 and 20 out of the ones I created  

Travelogue Draft Part 2

Continued my travelogue. Only 300 words left to do. And I still haven't got a name yet.. Where is the city Before you reach the hidden city of ______ you will need to pass through the long grass meadows, where the grass sways in the breeze and soft against your skin. You will then come across the murky forest with trees as high as the clouds and where dark mythical creatures come out at night. When you finally reach the city you are greeted by large silver gates decorated stones and crystals that resemble knots and patterns. The gates stand as tall as the trees and stand guard of the city, but is it trying to keep the people in, or the creatures of the night out. There is only one way in to the city and that is through the front gates. Even getting into the city is hard as they will only let in the market traders and a few visitors. The city will barley advertise if there is a place going, it’s like they only want the people that live there to stay. What’s in the city...

Travelogue draft

So this is he start of my travelogue for my city. I have yet to come up with a name for it yet so I have just left them blank. I have included titles as well to help me structure my travelogue. Where is the city Before you reach the hidden city of ______ you will need to pass through the long grass meadows, where the grass sways in the breeze and soft against your skin. You will then come across the murky forest with trees as high as the clouds and where dark mythical creatures come out at night. When you finally reach the city you are greeted by large silver gates decorated stones and crystals that resemble the Celtic knots and pattens. The gates stand as tall as the trees and stand guard of the city, but is it trying to keep the people in, or the creatures of the night out. What’s in the city When entering _______ you are greeted with tall buildings that made of a more reflective material, similar to silver, rather than bricks or wood. they look very similar to the g...

Research and inspiration maps

So I first researched what inspired my artist, Archibald Knox. So while researching I found that Knox was really influenced by celtic designs and patterns. I found it hard to find accurate designs or pieces of Celtic work, as I couldn't tell if it was a modern item or actually an authentic Celtic piece Here is a some of Knox's work. I mainly got images that caught my eye as well as being used for buildings.   On the picture above I have just written down some thoughts and ideas from Knox's work.  When searching online I couldn't find really any pictures of Celtic cities, it came up with more villages rather than cities. So I am thinking about looking at Elven cities for reference, as they would be slightly similar.